A downloadable game

A small game that I made for my high school Computer Science finals. Decided to upload here to archive it. 


You start with three 6 sided dice, each ranging from 1-6.

Place a die onto the center slot in order to deal damage. The slots on the side add half their rolled number to damage. This is true unless a COMBO occurs.

COMBOS occur when two dice roll the same number. When this occurs, the dice add their full value instead of half their rolled number. In addition, all the dice reroll. Normal dice can reroll up to 5 times.

After an enemy is defeated, the SHOP phase occurs. Here, you can buy dice or upgrades for gold. You gain 4 gold + 1 gold per 4 gold owned after every round.

The goal of the game is to last as long as you can! Unfortunately I was unable to add upgrades that could modify your dice, so the highest level you can reach is very limited. 


Dicatro.zip 242 kB

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